


国際連合人権高等弁務官事務所 御中


Sirs / Madams


長きにわたって10代の若者たちを主な対象とするマンガを崇拝してきた者として、私はこの文書の2カ所の部分について深刻な懸念を抱いています。パラグラフ56 6158 63についてです。

パラグラフ56 61には、こうあります。




実際の映像が拡散されてしまうことは、撮影された個人に深刻な被害を及ぼす可能性があるでしょう。しかし、上記の提案は、「誰か」が架空の人物を未成年者とみなすことができる限り、フィクション - 単なる執筆、または想像上の人物の描写 - を明示的に犯罪としてしまうものです。これは思想警察の領域に深く入り込むものであり、非常に危険です。特に「漫画」は高度に象徴化され誇張されているため、年齢についてはっきりさせることは、ほとんどできません。これは、本・漫画の人文的表現への不必要な妨げとなる自己検閲を引き起こすだけでなく、本や図面の犯罪化のための立法に不要な時間と資金を浪費することとなる一方で、実際に虐待されている子供たちをほとんど助けることはないでしょう。

それはまた、これまでの用語に替わり、“use of children in pornographic performances and materials, child sexual abuse material” あるいは “child sexual exploitation material”といった用語を使用するよう改めていくべきとのパラグラフ60 6561 66の提案とも直接に反するものです。これは理にかなった話であり、漫画のキャラクターは本当の子供ではありません。そして、私たちは、子どもについての単なる概念を虐待することを禁じるような法律を持つことはできません - そのような立法は、中世の冒涜罪があった時代にまで、私たちを連れ戻すことでしょう。

パラグラフ58 63は、次のように述べています。

これは端的に言って事実ではありません。そして私は、根拠のない主張に基づく提案をすることが、国連として望ましいことであるとは思いません。本や映画やゲームといったフィクションの中では殺人が起こり、メディアが誕生した日以来、ずっと続いていますが、殺人は未だ常態化されてはいません。本、映画、さらにはインタラクティブゲームでも、フィクションには理由のない酷い暴力がありますが、それでも暴力は常態化されていません。ビデオが誕生した日以来、ポルノ作品にはレイプセックスのシチュエーションが登場しましたが、暴力をともなうセックスは常態化されていません。単なる概念と現実の間には大きな隔たりがあります。 ゲームや漫画本の暴力が犯罪者を生み出さなかったのと同様に、セックスをしている10代や子供の絵の存在は、小児性愛者を生み出すことはありません。


子どもたちの性的な場面を描いたマンガなど「必要」がないと考える方もいらっしゃるかもしれません、そして、必要がないから、それを禁じることにも弊害はないのだ、と。しかし、これは2つの点で間違っています。まず第一に、必要性は当然にあります - ティーンエイジャーと子供のための本と漫画は、セックスの概念について取組むことができなければなりません。そして、それは既に行われています。- 無数の本、そして日本からの数え切れないほどの漫画、これらは今日、ヨーロッパや世界中で非常に人気があります。これらを禁じることは、虐待されている子供たちを助けないだけでなく、膨大な資金を必要とし、そして何も成し遂げないことでしょう。現代において、子どもがセクシュアリティを成熟させる時期に、フィクションですらそれを許さないことで身体と性についての記憶をトラウマ化させることは、子どもたちの助けになどならず、むしろ子どもたちを傷付けることになります。第二に、特定の文献に対する「必要性」があるかどうかは、決して規制の議論の入口にすべきではありません - 議論の入口は、それが莫大な損害を引き起こすかどうかであるべきです。この場合、そのような損害はありません。



私は、このような法がどれほど間違ったことを引き起こす可能性があるかの、生きた証拠です。漫画本の研究者として、私は何千もの本と何百万もの絵を持っています。私は、紙の上のインクに他ならないものを所持していたことを理由に訴追されました。結局、私は有罪になることはなく解放されましたが、39枚に及ぶマンガの絵の中の架空の人物が未成年者かどうかを判断するために、数年間にわたって資金と人的資源が費やされました。それらの資金と人的資源は、困っている子供たちを助けるために直接投入することだってできたはずのものでした。こんなことになってしまったのは、法律の条文が漫画のキャラクターが本物の子どもでないことを認識していなかったからです。私自身の時間と苦しみはこの問題には関係ありません - 壊滅的だったのは、警察と弁護士が、本当なら全く不要だった茶番に時間を費やさなければならなかったということでした。





■ スウェーデン最高裁 漫画絵所持無罪事件

■ 翻訳家シモン・ルンドストロームさん講演会

the Humans Rights Office of the United Nations,

Simon Lundström
civilian, Sweden

Dear Sirs/Madams,

It came to my knowledge that you are preparing guidelines on the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

As a long time admirer of the comics medium, much of which is aimed at teenagers, I have serious concerns on two specific details in this document: Paragraphs 56 61 and 58 63.

Paragraph 56 61 reads:
Child pornography is defined in article 2 OPSC as “any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities, regardless of the means used, or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes”. (emphasis mine)

Furthermore, it reads:
The qualification “by whatever means” reflects the broad range of material available in a variety of media, online and offline. It includes, inter alia: visual material such as photographs, movies, drawings and cartoons; audio representations; any digital media representation; live performances; written materials in print or online; and physical objects such as sculptures, toys, or ornaments(emphasis mine)

While I, as would anyone sane, agree with you in that the using of real children in pornographic materials must and should be punished by the law's full extent, including utter fiction, such as "drawings, cartoons, written materials, sculptures, toys or ornaments" is not only highly unrecommendable, it also contradicts the Human Rights Freedom of Expression, and will cause unnecessary damage, fear and self-censorship that will not help any children. I realize your fervent wish to stop child pornography, and it is highly formidable of you to do so, but you are risking to throw out the baby with the bathwater:

First and foremost, this would illegalize any doll or toy that has genitals, which surely must not be the purpose of this suggestion. Furthermore, the definition of children is in some countries any age below 18 or 16, sometimes 15. That fiction aimed at, and/or by individuals of this age – teenagers – needs to address sex, and growing sexuality and sexual acts, needs not to be said – it is the everyday life of any teenager. The above regulation would make many teen novels, in fact any book that describes sexual acts of people of 15 years of age, illegal material. Not to mention countless statues and ornaments, and a mass of comic books. Again, this can surely not be the purpose of this suggestion.

The spreading of real photos of movies is one thing –that can seriously harm the individuals in question. However, the above suggestions explicitly criminalizes fiction – the mere writing, or drawing of imagined characters, as long as "someone" could consider the ficticious characters as underage. This is highly dangerous, as it ventures deep into Thought Police territory, and specifically as "cartoons" are highly iconized and exaggerated, and little can be surely said of any age specifics. Not only will this cause an unnecessary and hampering self-censorship on literature in books and comics, it will also needlessly draw funds from the legislative forces, to spend time and money criminalizing books and drawings, something that will scarcely help children that are actually abused.

It also goes directly against what paragrah 60 65 and 61 66 proposes, to start instead using the term “use of children in pornographic performances and materials”, “child sexual abuse material” and/or “child sexual exploitation material”. Reasonably, cartoon characters are not real children, and we cannot have laws that forbid abuses of the mere concept of a child – that would bring us back to the Middle Ages and blasphemy laws.

Paragraph 58 63 states:
The Committee is of the view that “simulated explicit sexual activities” should be interpreted as including any material, online or offline, that depicts or otherwise represents any person appearing to be a child engaged in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct and realistic and/or virtual depictions of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Such depictions contribute to normalising the sexualisation of children and fuels the demand of child sexual abuse material.

This is merely not true, and I do not think it's recommendable for the United Nations to base a suggestion on unfounded claims. There is murder in fiction, in all books, films and games, and has been since the day the medium was born, yet murder has not been normalized. There is unfounded and gratitious violence in fiction: books, films and even interactive games, yet violence has not been normalized. There has been gratified rape sex in pornography since the day the video was born, but violence and sex has not been normalized. There is a huge chasm between fiction – mere concepts – and reality. The existence of drawings of teens or children having sex will not spawn pedophiles, just as violence in games or comic books did not spawn criminals.

It is very commendable that work is done to by any means stop children from being abused in any way. However, it is equally necessary to be careful so as to not shoot oneself in the foot. Needlessly prohibiting what people can write books and comics about will not help, and funds and manpower must be directed towards the real crimes, and not against cartoons, sculptures, and drawings.

One might think that there is no "need" for such things as cartoons depicting children in sexual situations, hence there is no harm in forbidding it. However, this is wrong, in two ways. First of all, there is a natural need – books and comics for teenagers and children must be able to handle the concepts of sex. They already do – countless books, and countless comics from Japan, which are all very popular in Europe and around the world these days. Forbidding these would not only not help children who are abused, but would cost immense resources, and achieve nothing. In these modern times, further traumatizing nakedness and sex by not even allowing it in fiction, just in the age where children mature to sexuality, will not help, but will cause damage. Secondly, whether or not there is a "need" for a specific literature should never be the point of entry – the point of entry should be whether it causes immense damage or not. In this case, there is not.

Mayhaps anyone who reads this wonders why I feel for this so strongly. This is, of course, because I am an avid reader of books and comics, and because I see the huge value in literature's ability and freedom to experiment, to joke, to jeer and jest, to ridicule and explore. Comic books exaggerate, and extrapolate, both violence, feelings, heroics and sex. As a representative of fans of Japanese comic books, I for one know more than many, how important this is and was for a teenager, to read about these feelings that I knew little of. To hear that the UN would want to prohibit things such as someone writing about, or drawing about, teenage sexual situation is extremely worrying. Not only does it testify thoughtlessness, and a vast ignorance on how important literature is, but it also signifies a failure to understand the weight of the freedom of speech, and how important it is to actually allow expressions and utterances that are highly unwanted – as long as they do not threaten the freedom of others. And in this case, they don't. We do not wish rape or murder or robbery in society, yet we allow it in fiction, simply because we know that fiction and reality are two very different things.

That the UN would sign the claim that cartoon depictions of underage sex would "fuel the demand for child sexual abuse material", is also deeply worrisome. This is an unfounded claim, commonly used by individuals that are mostly referred to as "morally hysterics", and should not be the basis of legislature. This is highly reminiscient of the 1800s claim that reading of books would criminalize youth, the 1940s claims that comic books would criminalize youth, the 1980s claims that home video would criminalize youth, or the 1990s claims that video games would criminalize youth. As we have seen, it does not. The existance of a highly unwanted concept in fiction, does not change society.

I am a living proof of how wrong this law can strike – as a comic books researcher, I have thousands of books and millions of drawings in my possession. I was accused of possession of what is nothing but ink on paper. Though I was eventually rightfully finally freed of charges, several years of funds and manpower were conducted into trying to determine whether the ficticious characters in the 39 comic book drawings where underage or not – funds and manpower that could have been directed to something that would have helped children in need. This only because the law failed to acknowledge that cartoon characters are not real. My own time and suffering does not matter in this issue – what was devastating was that the police and lawyers had to devote time to what was essentially a completely unnecessary farce.

It is my sincere hope, that you at the UN realize that over-extrapolating can be harmful, and that you focus your forces on those who cause harm to and abuse children, and that you avoid causing more harm by limitting literature and fiction based on an unfounded fear.

Yours truly,
Simon Lundström